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Fireflies AI | Summarizer and Notetaker

Fireflies AI is an artificial intelligence summarizer and notetaker. You can use this AI tools to take notes in meeting and create summaries from long form notes.

With this AI tool, you can transcribe, summarize, search, and analyze voice conversations. What this means is that you can use the AI even while in a meeting or thereafter to take notes in text format from the voice or video audio.

Fire flies can be integrated with meeting apps such as Google Meet, Zoom, Teams Webex, Ringcentral, Aircall, etc., which makes it easier to use optimize the AI.

You can use fireflies as a team and share memories together. The AI enables users to tract talking time of each individual speakers, how they feel, how often they monologue, and other key metrics to give your teammates feedback.

Businesswise, Fireflies helps you to identify objections, competitors, and other topics that you want to track, and customize them to your needs. It also enables you to measure how well your sales, recruiting, and internal processes are working, and improve them over time.

You can as well use Fireflies AI to create outlines, subheadings and more. In fact, the one word for Fireflies is that it is a supper summary maker. All these comes from its ability to convert voice to text.

Use Fireflies AI here.

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